Fort Bend
County Attorney 2020
Fort Bend
County Attorney 2020
Fort Bend
County Attorney

Real Experience
Dedicated Public Servant
Proven Leadership
Bridgette Smith-Lawson is a 20 year licensed attorney with more than 20 years of experience in public service. In November 2020, Mrs. Smith-Lawson was elected Fort Bend County Attorney, making her the FIRST black woman elected county attorney in the state of Texas. As the County Attorney, she manages an office of attorneys and support staff that are directly responsible for providing legal advice and representation to the County Commissioners, department heads, and every aspect of county government including law enforcement – Sheriff’s Office and Constables.
Since taking office, many “FIRST” for Fort Bend County have been achieved under her leadership including but not limited to the first group (boarding) home regulations, the first illicit massage parlor regulations, the first mother friendly worksite policies and lactation support rooms, the first comprehensive language access policy for the courts, the first joint agency animal cruelty taskforce, the first Regulatory Division of the County Attorney’s Office, and the first comprehensive compliance officer for the County. County Attorney Bridgette Smith-Lawson also assisted with drafting the first ever Fort Bend County body worn camera policy. The final removal of the Jaybird Monument was facilitated and completed under her leadership as well as providing vital legal support for the funding, creation, and operations of the Fort Bend Epi Center project.
Prior to her election, Bridgette Smith-Lawson was the Managing Attorney with the Office of General Counsel – Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Regions 5 & 6. Regions 5 & 6 consisted of up to 23 counties in Southeast Texas where she managed a division of attorneys and legal assistants providing legal services for the agency within the Gulf Coast Area. Mrs. Smith-Lawson graduated cum laude from Thurgood Marshall School of Law in May 2003 and was licensed in November 2003. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Houston in 2000 with a major in Political Science and a minor in English. She has been married 23 years and has two daughters ages 17 and 14 years old. Mrs. Smith-Lawson has spent countless hours serving the community at various service events including but not limited to resource fairs/forums, back to school drives, food drives, pet food drives, international clothing/supply drives, mentoring and coaching youth, and raising money for charity. In her spare time she enjoys running, cooking, and spending time with her family.
Let's Make History

Professional Licenses
State Bar of Texas – Admitted November 2003
United States District Court, Southern District of Texas – Admitted May 2004
Education and Certifications
Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University, Juris Doctorate May 2003 – Cum Laude – 3.24 GPA
Dean's List: Three Academic School Years, Fall 2000 – Spring 2003
BARBRI Scholarship Recipient - May 2003
$4,500 Merit Scholarship Recipient – (two academic school years) Fall 2001- Spring 2002 and Fall 2002- Spring 2003
James Douglas Moot Court Board, Thurgood Marshall School of Law – Secretary, Fall 2002-Spring 2003
Praemium Excellentia Award Recipient (highest grade) – Constitutional Law, Spring 2002 - received employment opportunity from law school as Teacher's Assistant in Constitutional Law
Phi Alpha Delta National Law Fraternity – Thurgood Marshall School of Law
National College of District Attorneys – Intern, Summer 1999
University of Houston – Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, English Minor, Graduate - Summer 2000
Former Certified Attorney Ad Litem – State of Texas;
Health and Human Services Executive Leadership Academy – ELA Class 8, Austin, Texas – Certificate of Completion, May 2018 – 10 month course of cross agency training – courses included:
Budget/Finance, Department State Health Services, Office of Inspector General Investigations, Leadership Training/Development, Six Sigma Course, Ethics in Leadership, Continuity of Operations and Incident Command Leadership, Leading a Multi-Generational Team, etc
Extraordinary Coach Award – Health and Human Services Extraordinary Contributor Program, April 2018
FEMA – Emergency Management Institute – Certificates of Course Completions in Incident Command Systems and National Incident Command Systems - trained readiness to lead and assist county government in times of emergencies
1st Place Award Recipient for the Sugar Land Chapter of Jack and Jill of America for the most community service hours for the chapter – September 2017- May 2018 Programming Year
2019 Top 30 Most Influential Women of Houston – Honoree
2018-2019 Distinguished Mother of the Year – Sugar Land Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
Texas District and County Attorney Association (TDCAA) - Member
CLE Presentations/Speaking Engagements/Conference Attendances
Nationally recognized by the US Department of Homeland Security for an immigration appeal that changed immigration policy in the United States - October 2019
“Be the One” – Foster/Adoptive Home recruiters, CASA, and other community Partners – May 2019
American Bar Association Children’s Immigration Law Academy Course – December 2018
Human Trafficking Summit, August 21-23, 2018
Earl Carl Institute’s 5th Annual Child Welfare Forensics Conference – April 2018 - Presenter
Texas District and County Attorneys Association Conference (TDCAA) Crimes Against Children Conference – April 2018
2018 Hill Country Ad Litem Seminar – April 2018
DFPS Statewide 2017 Regional Support Staff Conference - Presenter
American Association of Health and Human Services Attorneys 50th Annual Training and Continuing Education Conference - Austin, Texas, October 2017 – Panel Member/Presenter
2017 Hill Country Ad Litem Seminar – April 2017
Greater Houston Society for Healthcare Risk Management Conference – Attendee- March 2015
5th Annual Adjusting the Bar: The Definitive Ad Litem Seminar in DFPS Cases - Panel Member - April 2015
Immigration/Unaccompanied Minor Children Continuing Legal Education Course - Planning Committee Member - July 2014
Fox 26 News - Legal Panel Discussion - "Negligent Supervision of Children" - January 2014 - Presenter
Texas Supreme Court Commission on Children - Trial Skills Training Pilot, October 2013 – Participant
The Council on Alcohol and Drugs KTIS Conference - "Breaking the Cycle" - Houston, Texas June 2013
Co-Presenter - Harris County Domestic Relations Office - "Duty to Report" - September 2013
National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC) Conference - Atlanta, Georgia August 2013
Abuse and Neglect Seminar - Advanced Family Law Conference- San Antonio, Texas August 2013
Presenter - Houston Bar Association - Ad Litem CLE "Adult Protective Services" - February 2013
APS Conference - San Antonio, Texas - November 2009, October 2010, October 2011
APS Mini Conference - Houston, Texas - May 2008, May 2009, May 2010, May 2011, May 2012
Presenter - Thurgood Marshall School of Law Ad Litem CLE - February 2012
Panel Member - Public Interest Law Table Talk - Thurgood Marshall School of Law - February 2012
Mother Friendly Worksite Committee – worked to create the first onsite Lactation Room for mothers/employees returning to work after giving birth – October 2011 - January 2012
Presenter - UT School of Nursing Geriatric Division – Health and Safety Code and APS - March, 2011
Co-Presenter - Methodist Hospital (Medical Center) Social Work Department – Health and Safety Code and APS, July 2011
Co-Presenter - Gulf Coast Community Services Association - October 2008 and October 2009 and June 2010
Presenter - Senior Care Advisor Luncheon, The Hampton Retirement Community - Houston Galleria, January 2009
Panel participant with APS Management - University of Houston International Student Exchange Program - Social Work Division for students from Hong Kong - February 2009
Former Appointed Defense Counsel for the Texas Board of Pardon and Paroles

Let's Make History

Community Engagement & Volunteer Work

Co-Director of Kingdom Kids Youth Ministry (2014-present)
ages: infants - 6th grade - Friendship Community Bible Church - 420 Wood Street, Sugar Land, Texas (membership - approximately 300)
Assists in coordinating spiritual curriculum, ministry themes, and child centered programs – 2014 – present
Organized toy drives, Back to School Bashes, Children’s Revival, and other outreach programs – 2014 – present
Assists with maintaining inventory of class materials, food/snacks, and preparing monthly budget/expenditures requests to FCBC finance coordinator
Coordinated and successfully organized Friendship Community Bible Church’s first Parenting Conference – included a variety of speakers/presentations including but not limited to:
“NCAA Clearinghouse” – What you need to know to get into college
“When A Tantrum is More” – Recognizing stressors and warning signs in children
“There’s an App for That” – social media class for parents
“Ask the Doctor” – medical presentation by Dr. Kareen Smith – vaccinations and obesity
“Academics, Athletics – Balancing it All” – how to keep your child(ren) schedule and priorities in balance
Jack and Jill of America, Inc. – The Sugar Land Chapter, Sugar Land, TX
Member since May 2009
Sugar Land Chapter Executive Board Member since September 2010;
Vice President 2019-2021 – elected position
Program Director 2017-2019 Program Year – elected position
As Program Director – won 1st Place, “Best of the Best” in Cultural Chapter Programming in the nation for the Sugar Land Chapter of Jack and Jill, Inc.; first National Award for the Sugar Land Chapter; 43rd National Convention – Jack and Jill of America, Inc. – Kansas City, MO – July 2018
Selected by Jack and Jill of America, Inc. – National Executive Board to attend the Marion Stubbs Thomas Leadership Academy at the Jack and Jill, National Conference, Kansas City, MO – July 2018
Recording Secretary 2015-2017 Program Year – elected position
Chapter Legislative Chair 2015-2017 Program Year;
Chapter Parliamentarian/Bylaw Committee Chair - 2010-2011 Program Year, 2011-2013 Program Year, 2013-2015 Program Year;
Community Service
December 2010 – planning committee for holiday community service event for the benefit of the Arc of Fort Bend and the Rainbow Room
2011-2014 – assisted with ongoing support the Carter’s Kids Residential Treatment Home for boys in Richmond, Texas including painting walls, creating reading centers, leadership workshops, and Christmas parties/gifts
Spring 2015 - Assisted on planning committee for a Children’s event which also collected books “Oh the Places You Will Go” for the benefit of the locals Boys and Girls Club
South Central Regional Mothers’ Conference - The Woodlands Texas July 2015 - one of five panelist for the Honey Child Foundation Session for guest attendees. Honey Child brings awareness and prevention of premature births in African American Women
December 2017 – participating in Angel Tree by purchasing gifts for children in need
2017-2019 - Coordinated “Days of Service” for the chapter by bringing donations of food, clothing, and giving volunteer hours at the Second Mile Mission
Other community services hours – Common Threads, donations to needy families, March of Dimes walk and donations, etc

Premiere Performance Track Club – Fort Bend Based Track Club – Marshall High School, Missouri City, Texas – 2016- present
Works with youth and supports athletes as a coach and mentor
USATF registered coach
Also provides support as a team mom, assist with recruiting, and other support functions needed
New Territory Knights – Fort Bend Youth Football League
Assisted in connecting foster youth to the football team to obtain scholarships for participation in playing football for the New Territory Knights, member of the Fort Bend Youth Football League (FBYFL)
Let's Make History

My focus as your Fort Bend County Attorney
Lead the County Attorney's office with effective leadership/management that is driven towards the goal of public service by way responsiveness, accountability, innovation, and quality legal services as we move towards a population of 1 million.
Inclusion of Adult Protective Services representation by the County Attorney's in addition to working with local District Attorney's Office to ensure we have a crimes against the Elders and Disabled Adults division to support and protect our growing population of aged and disabled adults.
Ensuring the County Attorney's office supports the county agencies and local officials with HR legal guidance that promotes inclusion/diversity in hiring, performance measurements/evaluations congruent with our county's diverse background
Ensuring that the County Attorney's office gives legal guidance to ensure that contracts are properly vetted and have open bidding practices that are fair, ethical, transparent, and inclusive of historically under-utilized businesses (HUB - minority owned businesses) and allow for equal opportunities to compete for county contracts
Ensuring that the County Attorney's office is visible and responsive to the people of Fort Bend in the community at community forums, community service events, and other community engagement opportunities year round and not just visible at Commissioners' Court.
Ensuring that the County Attorney's office has the legal expertise and can work to ensure that environmental threats that pollute our air and water are also addressed through civil remedies
Ensuring that the County Attorney's office has the legal expertise and can work towards supporting our Drainage District with compliance with federal requirements and audits that affect FEMA funding and flood insurance coverage.
Ensuring that the County Attorney's office has the legal legal knowledge base and exploratory committee to provide legal support needed to move towards creating a robust Hospital District for the citizens of Fort Bend and the growing population.
In all property tax matters, ensuring that the County Attorney exercises and ensures due process in litigation and works with the tax offices to provide more transparency and information about property taxes, nuisance, matters, and other civil citations issues.
Work to ensure that Child Protective Services ensures and balances safety of children with their families while protecting/balancing parents rights
Ensure that the County Attorney's Office as the legal adviser to the Sheriff's Office, supports with legal training regarding Crisis Intervention, Mental Health Warrants, implementing a transparent review board and that all incidents of racial profiling/discrimination are reviewed critically for the same and that swift and strong accountability is taken for discriminatory actions.
Let's Make History
Let's Make History